Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Be Strong, Cynthia!!

about 1 to 4 hours ago, i thought about how lonely i am, how i wanna be loved, how desperate i am n how much i wanna go back to the past where i really thanked God for every things He did to my life, every second, minute , every dayy..

Life had been so tiring these days, because of many assignments , very long uni time, lots of boring n made me sleepy lectures, teaching every day, the feeling of being left behind by friends and him, n my fearness of getting farther n farther from God. i don't know how to go back to His arm.

i have my dinner tonight, a plate of rice, a spoon of yoghurt, plum choclate, white choclate, and 2 cups of jelly. ate a lot of foods , delicious foods, often redeem my stress. but, after i finished all the foods, i didn't feel any better.

what should i do?

then , i went upstair to my room, n read my friend's blog. there's a story , where i felt myself pathetic n must stand up again, n face the life without being lame.
B strong.

a sentence from her blog that made myself "wake up" :
"Tetapi, bukankah Aku pernah bersabda kepadamu untuk datang kepadaku semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, karena Aku akan memberikan kelegaan kepadamu. Sebab kuk yang Kupasang itu enak dan beban-Ku pun ringan."

however. i afraid this feeling is just a feeling before pipp..
u i wrote last month.

whatever. pray for me. please.

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